I have been searching, fruitlessly, for a chart depicting the year on year change in price levels before the Federal Reserve and since its creation in the early 1910s. I cannot find it and will instead describe it. It shows a noise chart above and below zero. In the beginning the variance is large if it were a seismograph it would be showing an earthquake. (Shown above) As the Federal Reserve is instituted the variations shrink and adhere more closely to a long-term trend. The chart shows why the Federal Reserve exists and why interest rates are not allowed to freely float.
The Federal Reserve is made up of 12 regional banks and a board of directors. The regional banks are tasked with regulating and keeping the banking system healthy. These banks also act as a lender of last resort or the banks’ bank. The Board has a distinctive but related task to control the country’s money supply. The Board of Governors plus 5 regional bank presidents together make up the Federal Open Market Committee. 4 of the bank presidents rotate, as the New York bank always has a spot.
The committee controls the money supply in three ways:
A) By buying and selling bonds via the open market operations,
B) Reserve requirements, and
C) The discount rate
A) Open Market Operations - When it buys bonds it adds new money to the financial system and when it sells bonds it takes away money from the financial system. This seems counterintuitive but view it from the viewpoint of a bank. When the bank sells its bond to the Federal Reserve it now has cash instead. It can then lend this cash out. However, when the Federal Reserve sells bonds the bank must use its cash to purchase the bonds and thus loses the ability to lend out the money it purchased the bond with.
B) Reserve requirements – regulations on the minimum amount of “cash” reserves a bank must hold against customer deposits. This affects the money supply because if the banks have to hold more in reserve the banks then have less to lend out. Vice versa, lowering the requirement allows banks to loan out more money.
Here is how it works:
Bank A
Reserves 100.00
Deposits 100.00
This is if there was a 100% reserve requirement. Obviously this is untenable as the banks could only keep the money safe, as a warehouse. No entity would undertake this responsibility, as there would be no profit. So the banking system consists of a “fractional reserve system,” which only means that a fraction of each dollar of deposits is actually held at the bank. The rest is loaned out, which is a banking asset, to create profit for the bank.
Bank A
Reserves: 20.00
Loans: 80.00
Total: 100.00
Deposits: 100.00
Total: 100.00
Thus, seemingly the banks has created money, in an earlier post we said that money was currency plus demand deposits. So 80 + 100 = $180. However, it must be said that the economy is not wealthier, there is just more money or liquidity. This is because those 80 dollars of loans, though bank assets, are liabilities to entities that undertake them.
The process does not end here though. If the person, who took the $80 loan, maybe did not have an immediate need for the funds, so he deposited it at his bank.
Bank B
Reserves: 16.00
Loans: 64.00
Total: 80.00
Deposits: 80.00
Total: 80.00
This iterative process can be completed ad infitnitum, so as a general solution we can take the initial deposit and divide it by the reserve requirement ratio. So $100 divided by 20/100= 500. Thus, the money multiplier at this reserve requirement will be 5.
C) The Discount Rate – Acting as the banks’ bank it loans out reserves to bank who find them short of the reserve requirement. Picture the end of the day and a customer comes in at 4:30 PM and withdraws 10 dollars of deposits from Bank A. Bank A would still have 80 dollars worth of loans but now only 10 dollars of reserves. It would need to find 10 dollars of reserves to meet the Federal Reserve’s requirement. It thus can go to the Fed and borrow the 10 dollars at the discount rate. Then it would to try and unwind one of its loans to rid itself of the borrowings from the discount window.
Bank A (after 10 dollar withdrawal)
Reserves: 10.00
Borrowed: 10.00
Loans: 80.00
Total: 100.00
Deposits: 90.00
Borrowings: 10.00
Total: 100.00
The discount rate follows the laws of supply and demand. So when the rate is high banks wants to borrow less and when the rate is low the banks are more willing to borrow. Finally, this also acts as insurance against a bank run, as the banks can borrow from the discount window freely, thus generating the liquidity to survive a financial crisis like in 2008 and in 1987.
Greg Mankiw in his Principles of Economics points to two major problems with controlling the money supply through these three mechanisms. First, the Fed cannot control how much money people will want to hold on deposit with banks. Thus, a bank run can have systemic effects on the money supply. Secondly, the Fed cannot control how much the banks lend. Unlike China, you cannot force the banks to underwrite loans that the banks deem too risky given a current economic situation.
These two forces have been a key puzzle for economist over the past century. It is described by a simple equation M x V= P x Y, where:
M= quantity of money
V= velocity; the link between money, price and output
P= price level
Y= aggregate income or GDP
In the short run V and Y can be held constant thus the price level would be affected only by the money supply. This is how Milton Friedman came out with the proclamation that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.”
However, as we have experienced lately the Federal Reserve and the Treasury have instituted a number of initiatives to increase the money supply and velocity but velocity has only declined to negate their works. I will expand on this in the next post on Inflation.